The NodexPress Ecommerce Platform is capable of handling millions of products with ease. The NodexPress code and DB queries are optimized to ensure the response time as minimum of 1.5 seconds as possible. We tested on a single i7 Desktop machine which can hold more than 10 million products. Also single i7 12th gen Desktop can handle 1000 concurrent users.
The NodexPress Ecommerce Platform is written in modular way so that modules can be easily plugged in/out. Modular design offers benefits such as reduction in cost due to customization can be limited to a portion of the application, rather than needing an overhaul of the entire system. It makes developer easy to understand the system.
The NodexPress Ecommerce Platform follows MVC architecture for faster development process. It allows developer to change view layout(theme) to render application content. Any modification does not affect entire model
The NodexPress Ecommerce Platform provides plugin architecture so that developer can easily add extra functionality to application by writing plugins. The NodexPress Ecommerce Platform also allows developers to easily integrate the application with external platforms through variety of means. It provides event notification mechanism to notify external systems whenever an event(order create/update, shipping etc..) occurs. This is useful to connect with external applications like CRM, Shipping, Warehouse management platforms.
The NodexPress Ecommerce Platform provide API which can be used B2B business model. NodexPress Ecommerce Platform allows vendors/sellers and drop shippers to sell on your platform or dropship your products on extennal platforms by accessing your inventory via API.
The NodexPress Ecommerce Platform displays perfectly on all screen sizes. This makes pages load properly on mobile devices thus makes higher conversation rates by attracting mobile users..
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